the authoritarian egos that tip the dominos of evil

The dominos are falling in the favor of evil and we must not continue to ignore the conflicts caused by legacy and ego-obsessed authoritarians and must stop the next domino before a new world order arrives where freedom is no longer the norm. Waiting is far more dangerous than acting decisively with effective deterrence now!

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M Dane Waters
time to switch to strategic certainty

Ambiguity in a world with leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) will inevitably lead to them bringing their version of certainty to the conflicts and regions filled with ambiguity — and it is critical that democratic nations around the world not allow this to happen. Certainty, where and when there is none, must be defined by democratic nations, and not those whose interests are counter to freedom, fairness and human rights.

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the beacon of freedom must not be extinguished

Every country has the fundamental right to set their own domestic and foreign policy. But when the actions of leaders clothed in the regalia of tyranny and oppression imperil the basic human rights of their citizens and when their actions impact the state of world affairs and the safety and security of another country and by extension the world as a whole – as in the case of a dictator like Putin - governments and defenders of the free world must speak up and act.

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the elephant in the room

During these challenging times, the world needs a unifying purpose. Though we might think the grand issues -- the environment, human rights, universal living wage, military reduction, and government accountability — would be that unifier. But such issues actually divide us – everyone has their own definition of what the answer is to these challenges.

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